the leading African social marketplace announced a 274% year-on-year increase in the total value of goods on their platform in Nigeria worth 1,97 billion USD. combines a social network and classifieds board into a single integrated online platform and has more than 4 million registered users, with more than 2 million monthly active users and over 500,000 active classifieds in Nigeria.
In an interview with Cristobal Alonso, CEO and Co-Founder of MoboFree explains how Mobofree is the biggest social marketplace in Nigeria and has a significant footprint in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and several other African countries.
“Online trading is growing rapidly across Africa as the IT and mobile infrastructure across the continent continues improving. Despite that, part of our challenge still is convincing people of the value of using the internet to buy, sell or swap items and services,” explains Alonso. The MOBOfree technological platform makes buying and selling online easy for any African user with any device, not only for PCs and smartphones but also feature phones.
MOBOfree attributes this huge increase in the value of goods to the safety of the MOBOfree platform, to an increasing number of repeat customers and to a renewed focus on the automotive and real estate categories of classified advertisements.
“Customers are going to the site because they are confident that buyers and sellers have been vetted. Once they experience the ease of use and added security, customers come back and use the site and are reassured on each occasion”, says Alonso.
MOBOfree has invested heavily in safety and security with a recently launched ID verification programme in addition to a dedicated quality control team which manually reviews every single advert before launching it live.
“This increase is indicative of a growing number of Nigerian consumers willing to buy, sell and swap stuff with people they can trust, MOBOfree makes this process easier and safer”, adds Alonso.