The deadline is fast approaching for the innovation awards at the Connected East Africa Summit 2015. Entries must be submitted by March 15th to be considered.
Winners of the ICT Innovation Awards will be invited to receive their award at the Summit on 1 April in Diani, Kenya.
Companies /organisations that have:
- Product or service that have East Africa citizens as end user (can be delivered through a third party company or organisation)
- Product or service that uses information technology in a unique and effective way (information technology includes but is not limited to web, mobile, computer software, digital content)
- Complete entry form submitted online only. Physcial print outs or emails will not be accepted.
- ICT Innovation: products or services must use ICT in a way that is new and unique
- Market Impact: products or services must have a demonstrated or potential positive impact on the target community and have innovative strategy for market share growth
- Functionality: product or service must be creative and user-friendly in its delivery